I am amazed daily how God uses someone like me. A man that has been divorced, been to jail, created a beautiful baby out of wedlock, felt suicidal, all alone and done too many wrongs to list with many more to come…but God still uses me. I am proof that God can use and remake broken vessels.
All I know is that there is a Word in me for the World! It burns within my belly, brings tears to my eyes, and runs through my mind all day and all night. I can’t escape it. I now live with a terminal condition called ministry for which there is no cure, at least not for me.
My posture is evolving. I no longer see myself as the divine pharmacist, writing prescriptions for the sins of others. I have found out that by the time the ink dries, the medicine I attempt to dispense is too weak, useless even. If it were able to cure sin, the world would have never seen it, I would have taken it all myself. I am no longer the pharmacist, but I am the crossing guard. My role is to stop traffic long enough in your life to point you in the same direction that I am going - toward Jesus. I see us walking together in the right direction. Don’t put me off the road because I can’t walk as fast as you or if another still has some struggles. At least we are on the right road, headed in the right direction. Just let me and others like me, just walk.
My vision is to tell anybody anywhere about a God who can turn anything and anyone around. I simply have a Word for the World.